Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Measuring Public Ratings’ Impact on Financial Condition

Estimating PUBLIC RATINGS’ IMPACT ON FINANCIAL CONDITION OF MASS MEDIA COMPANIES IN THE PHILIPPINES: AN ANONYMOUS RELATIONSHIP A Thesis introduced to the Faculty of the College of Business, Economics, Accountancy and Management De La Salle Lipa In fractional satisfaction of the necessities for the Degree Business Management Major in Financial Management by Macatangay, Gladys Maralit, Joshua Montes, Jose Miguel Salute, Niel Patrick Acknowledged by Winnie D. Dimaano Thesis Adviser ABSTRACTThis study will intend to perceive the noteworthy relationship of Public appraisals/media evaluations to the subject broad communications companies’ (ABS-CBN, GMA Network) monetary condition and securities exchange execution for the years 2009-2011. The reason for the investigation is to decide the companies’ open evaluations/media appraisals for the years 2009-2011, to survey if there is a critical connection between open evaluations/media appraisals and the companies’ mon etary condition and financial exchange execution and to decide whether open appraisals/media evaluations significantly affect the companies.The open appraisals/media appraisals will be accumulated online through the sites of AGB Nielsen Philippines and Kantar Media. The analysts will utilize auxiliary information assortment strategy in social occasion data with respect to the current examination. The scientists will likewise utilize correlational exploration configuration to examine the information. Elucidating configuration will likewise be utilized in the examination. List of chapters Page ABSTRACT I Acknowledgment ii DEDICATION iii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ivLIST OF APPENDICES v Chapter 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction 4 Statement of the issue 5 Operational Framework6 Hypothesis7 Research Objectives 7 Significance of the Study 8 Scope and Limitation 9 Definition of Terms10 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Related Literature 11 Related Studies12 Synthesis 14 3 RESEARCH METHO DOLOGY Research Design 15 Respondents of the Study16 Locale of the Study16 Research Tools and Instruments16Data Gathering Procedure17 Data Analysis and Interpretation17 BIBLIOGRAPHY20 APPENDICES Chapter 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY This section presents the foundation of the examination, explanation of the issue, articulation of exploration targets, essentialness of the investigation and the extension and confinements of the investigation. Presentation In the Philippines, one of the most powerful frameworks of the general public is media. In this way, this makes it one of the frameworks that the open knows the most and is recognizable of.However, regardless of its recognition, there are just rare sorts of people who are interested of how open appraisals and advertising influence these companies’ monetary condition as far as its liquidity, dissolvability and stock worth; and maybe over the long haul how it influences its gainfulness and income. In the previous years, there have b een two predominant Mass Media organizations that are nearly at standard as far as income in the nation; The Alto Broadcasting System †Chronicle Broadcasting Network prominently known as ABS-CBN and the GMA Network (GMA), usually meant to as â€Å"Kapuso Network†.These are significant business TV station in the Philippines possessed and worked by the traded on an open market Filipino media combinations. Open Ratings, by and large has consistently been a piece of these Mass Media companies’ method of demonstrating their strength over another and in this way, the defenders went to a thought that maybe open evaluations significantly affect these organizations money related condition and gainfulness proportion. The way that these organizations even go through a lot of cash to pay other statistical surveying organizations to lead an overview among the general population is sufficient explanation behind the scientists to direct an investigation about it.In general when directing an examination about Financial Management, it isn't unexpected to have an investigation about the money related state of a specific business or organization focusing just on one part of the organization which is its budget report. Be that as it may, in this investigation the analysts might want to exhibit the effect of open appraisals to the budgetary state of Mass Media organizations as far as its liquidity, dissolvability, and stock worth and to demonstrate if there is a critical connection between these factors; just as on its gainfulness ratio.Statement of the Problem This examination will expect to perceive the huge connection between broad communications companies’ open evaluations and money related condition from the year 2009 to 2011 here in the Philippines. The reason for the examination is to address the accompanying inquiries: 1. What are the open evaluations of the two broad communications organizations in the years 2009-2011? 2. What are the companiesâ €™ money related condition/execution regarding: a. Profit for Assetsb. Profit for Equityc. Profit for Investments 3.What is the Stock Market Performance/Stock cost of ABS-CBN and GMA organize for the period 2009-2011? 4. Is there a critical connection between the companies’ open appraisals and monetary condition for the years 2009 to 2011? 5. What is the impact of open evaluations to the media companies’ gainfulness and stock value execution? Operational Framework Hypothesis Ho1: There is a noteworthy connection between the media companies’ open appraisals and money related condition. Ho2: Public appraisals have an immediate impact to the media companies’ securities exchange performance.Research Objectives It explicitly expects to accomplish the accompanying goals: 1. Decide the open evaluations of the two broad communications organizations in the years 2009-2011. 2. Decide the companies’ gainfulness proportions as far as: a. Profit for Assetsb . Profit for Equityc. Profit for Investments 3. Decide the Stock Market Performance/Stock cost of ABS-CBN and GMA arrange for the period 2009-2011. 4. Decide whether there is a critical connection between the companies’ open evaluations and monetary condition for the years 2009-2011. . Decide the impact of open appraisals to the companies’ gainfulness proportion. Centrality of the Study This investigation will be helpful to quantities of divisions including the general population, financial specialists, dealers and brokers, staff, understudies and future scientists. For the publicThis study may present the estimation of open appraisals to people in general and may give them that great open evaluations doesn't just influence the media companies’ ubiquity or distinction and its impact, yet it likewise influences its monetary condition as far as its liquidity, dissolvability and stock value.For the speculators This investigation is advantageous to the financial spe cialists for they can have an extra premise in examining the past and the current money related state of the media organization they wish to contribute at. The media companies’ open appraisals would likewise assist them with breaking down the which organization benefits more and which organization gives more noteworthy open door for venture development and broadening. For the dealers and tradersThis study is gainful to the merchants and brokers for they can have an extra premise in breaking down the organizations money related wellbeing as far as its liquidity, dissolvability and stock value.Thus, giving them reason for speculation. For the facultyThe aftereffect of this investigation is advantageous for the educators to have a more profound comprehension about what open appraisals can truly do to influence the budgetary state of a specific organization particularly organizations who legitimately focuses on media use for gainfulness. For the monetary administration understudi es The aftereffect of this investigation is valuable for them to get familiar with the impact of open evaluations which is usually considered uniquely to be a reason for popularity.They can utilize it as a kind of perspective or manual for their examination to additionally comprehend the variables that may influence a company’s budgetary condition. For the understudies and future researchersThe aftereffect of this investigation will fill in as a kind of perspective to their fund courses. This will be valuable to them by giving them basic subtleties important in directing their related investigations. Extension and Limitations The investigation will concentrate on the huge relationship of open appraisals to the budgetary state of media organizations in the Philippines as far as liquidity, dissolvability and stock value.Specifically, the examination will concentrate on advertising which may legitimately influence the open evaluations of these media organizations. Essential sour ces will be assembled by the scientists by visiting college libraries, understanding articles and explores that are identified with the examination. Auxiliary assets will be likewise assembled by means of web and money sites These assets will demonstrate that advertising have a noteworthy relationship with open evaluations. Besides, in deciding the huge connection between the factors (open evaluations, liquidity, dissolvability and stock worth), relative investigation will be used.In request for similar examination to be done, the analysts assembled fiscal reports of the two media organizations from years 2009-2011. The analysts likewise accumulated the open evaluations of these media organizations that were assembled by statistical surveying organizations that every media organization has employed (Nielsen appraisals and Kantar Media). Moreover, the stock an incentive for each organization will be accumulated. Meaning of Terms Public Ratings Refers to media appraisals gave by AGB N ielsen and Kantar Media statistical surveying firms in the Philippines that rate the subject corporations’ in general watcher at home ratings.Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This section introduced writing audits identified with the investigation. The area presents the composition of various characters both remote and nearby directed by the defenders during their examination which have been useful to the investigation. It includes reference materials and point by point realities expressed by hardly any individuals and pioneer in the field of speculation that will fill in as the establishment for sifting through and taking care of issues that might be experienced in the advancement of the proposed study.Literature and studies introduced in this s

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The eNotes Blog No More Smokin in the Boys Room Tracking Chips On the Rise for Junior High and High SchoolStudents

No More Smokin in the Boys Room Tracking Chips On the Rise for Junior High and High SchoolStudents I have a kid in middle school and a youngster in secondary school. Consistently, them two must wear their school-gave distinguishing proof card on a cord around their necks consistently. The ways to their schools are bolted at 8:30 a.m. Â After being looked at on a camcorder and hummed in, guardians and different guests must present a drivers permit after entering the structure, and afterward that guest is given a sticker with a checked picture of their permit picture and their name in intense letters. Â The sticker must be worn consistently while on school grounds. My youngsters don't go to class in the Gaza Strip. They are in a little Texas suburb where, truly, the greatest danger to their prosperity are West Nile mosquitoes, the entirety of which, tragically, are unreasonably small for State-gave clingy IDs. In any case, it isn't sufficient. Presently notwithstanding their pooch collarserr.. I mean IDs, soon, they, similar to a huge number of different Texas kids, will be required to have their IDs chipped, as in microchipped with GPS beacons that will let executives and, apparently, educators, know where they are consistently. Of course, there has been kickback. One understudy, Andrea Hernandez of San Antonio, Texas, simply won the option to decline to wear the inserted ID. Â While Hernandezs purposes behind recoiling from the prerequisite might be irregular (she accepts the following is Satanic), numerous guardians and understudies additionally fight that the training is obtrusive and infringing upon their privileges. Everything feels excessively creepily Big Brother-ish to parts ofâ dissenters. As far as concerns them, schools are grasping the GPS IDs on the grounds that expanded participation implies expanded subsidizing. Also, they guarantee that understudies rights being abused is inapplicable since the understudies are under age. Additionally, there are voices on all sides, guardians, educators, chairmen, and understudies, who contend that there ought to be nothing to stress over and no objectionsif your understudy (or you) are the place they (or you) should be. What do you think? Truly to chips or no? What's more, why?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Tips on Research Paper Writing

<h1>Tips on Research Paper Writing</h1><p>The initial phase recorded as a hard copy a decent examination paper is to choose what sort of data you need to compose. So as to do this, you should investigate your subject. When you have settled on the topic, you can start setting up the design of your paper.</p><p></p><p>You should remember that the principle points for research papers are typically introduced on a proposal, utilizing models. After you have chosen the subject of your paper, you ought to decide whether your theme will be more for understudies or for experts. Recollect that you have to realize how to deal with these subjects, so your examination paper won't disappoint.</p><p></p><p>When it comes to composing research papers, there are numerous kinds of composing, for example, articles, reports, websites, and other increasingly reasonable data. For the most part, articles and reports are composed direct. Be th at as it may, you should take a stab at trying different things with a couple of progressively complex undertakings, for example, blog composing or workshop descriptions.</p><p></p><p>Writing different sorts of composing is really simpler. That is the reason you should attempt to sharpen your composing aptitudes. This is the most ideal approach to ensure that your task isn't only a straightforward format that you will never need to compose postulations from. Continuously attempt to follow this example: attempt to utilize straightforward words and articulations, however you should include thoughts when needed.</p><p></p><p>Writing instructional exercises can be hard, yet they are likewise fun. In the event that you intend to compose instructional exercises, you should take a stab at composing a direct and clear article. You would then be able to attempt to fuse your very own portion thoughts and information into the article.</p>&l t;p></p><p>Research paper composing has consistently been testing. As a rule, you should set aside some effort to consider each word you compose. It is something essential to recollect that examination papers consistently should be composed by the rules. It isn't adequate to think of them dependent on your own judgment.</p><p></p><p>Take preferred position of scholarly assets. This is significant particularly with regards to exploring. There are a great deal of online assets that can assist you with data. You should simply be cautious about picking the assets, since try not to surge while picking them.</p><p></p><p>In composing your examination paper, you should focus on what you peruse and tune in. You can generally get motivation from specific sources. Simply be mindful about how you approach it.</p>

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Holiday Shopping On A College Student Budget

Holiday Shopping On A College Student Budget I’ve always been a lover of the holiday season. Something about the festivities that go on from November through January, giving gifts and spending time with my friends and family has always brought me a lot of joy. I’m that person blasting Christmas music and watching holiday films in late October that everyone hates. ?? Gift giving in particular is something I get really excited about every year, but now that I’m on a college student budget, buying everyone gifts can be really expensive! It can be difficult and stressful trying to buy everyone something that I think they’ll like, but that also doesn’t make my wallet cry too much. But there are tricks to getting the whole “broke college student holiday shopping” thing down without spending your rent money! Gift giving in particular is something I get really excited about every year, but now that I’m on a college student budget, buying everyone gifts can be really expensive! It can be difficult and stressful trying to buy everyone something that I think they’ll like, but that also doesn’t make my wallet cry too much. But there are tricks to getting the whole “broke college student holiday shopping” thing down without spending your rent money! Plan Ahead I’m a hardcore planner, so I always begin planning out gifts and purchasing gifts wayyyyy beforehand. I’m talking September-early. While that might sound a bit overkill at first, hear me out. Buying a large amount of gifts all at once turns into nothing but a financial burden and stress, especially if you haven’t budgeted your money for such a big shopping spree. So, starting your holiday shopping early means that you’re never spending a bunch of money at once. Just a little here and a little there. I always do this (probably because I’m excited, but still helpful) and it takes a lot of stress about buying gifts away. I also have time to get any backup gifts if my original idea falls through! Budget and Save But everyone has one person or that one year when you want to get someone (or everyone ??) something a bit more expensive for the holidays, which means that there is no real way around spending a huge amount of money at once. For these big baller gifts, budgeting and planning is always my best friend. The last thing you want is to buy an expensive gift just to have to turn around and return it because you realized that you needed money for books or groceries. To avoid all that, the moment I decide on buying someone an expensive gift I get to making a saving plan for it. Of course, the earlier you do this the better, but remember that some money saved is better than no money saved. Putting away a little bit of money each paycheck has been a super simple and speedy way for me to save up for expensive gifts and have guilt free purchases too. I also use this same technique for holiday shopping in general! Even with the budgeting, saving and planning most college students still have a very small and limited income, leaving a very small amount of money that can be dedicated to gifts. I think it is extremely easy to get caught up in the wonder of gift giving and become a bit discouraged if you can’t afford the types of gifts you want to give to everyone in your life. I always take the time to remind myself though each holiday season that gift giving isn’t about spending the most money or giving the most extravagant thing. Simply thinking about something and putting thought into a gift is what always makes the best gifts, no matter what the price tag on the gift may say. Whether your budget is hundreds of dollars or just a few dollars, remember that no matter how cliché it sounds, it truly is the thought that counts. Taylor Class of 2021 Hey y’all, I’m a History and Gender and Women Studies double major and a French minor from Chicago! I concentrate in all things Black and Black women studies and love long-distance running.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Its Never Too Late to Test Your AP Long Essay

<h1>It's Never Too Late to Test Your AP Long Essay</h1><p>A educator, you'll review, was aggravated at an understudy who had composed an article on 'The Economics of Hollywood.' For the teacher, that understudy's paper would have had a 'reasonable' grade. Be that as it may, in a school executive gathering, that equivalent understudy got a 'zero.'</p><p></p><p>At that school executive gathering, that equivalent understudy was denied a spot on the school's roll. He was gone forever in that school's corridors. Those equivalent guidelines apply to understudies who make no endeavor to pass their AP assessments. For understudies who believe that the appropriate response is to come to school and make something up as you come - they will be met with the equivalent fate.</p><p></p><p>In actuality, those understudies may have committed a progression of errors. Or on the other hand maybe the appropriate response they discovered, which they thought was an AP article, may really be a lower-level coursework. It is never past the point where it is possible to discover what your current AP test results are, yet it is never too soon to make changes.</p><p></p><p>There's a reasonable incentive for a school's AP coursework. It merits the cash and an opportunity to test this. It is significant that an understudy who is truly adept at composing experiences no difficulty passing their AP exams.</p><p></p><p>It's not very late to test the AP and see whether you're getting a reasonable incentive for the AP coursework you've dedicated a very long time to. Simply ask yourself these inquiries: How much has your AP test class cost you? Did you gain enough ground on the coursework to legitimize taking an extra semester to complete it?</p><p></p><p>Are you worn out on expounding on one subject? Do you have twelve papers to write in various subjects? Do yo u need to put a title on the last page and a year on the main page? Do you need to reproduce your papers on an ordinary basis?</p><p></p><p>If you addressed yes to these inquiries, at that point it's an ideal opportunity to turn in your AP papers to the school board. Your vocation is in your hands.</p>